Chicken Mono(jit)

This is a recipe shared by a friend which I have twisted a bit to suit my cupboard and equipment.
NB: not for those who want hot and spicey or those who don't like sweet 'n' sourish flavours.

Grind in a blender: 2" piece of ginger, 6-7 cloves of garlic, 1 small onion, 1 orange -peeled and deseeded, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp rice wine, 1 tbsp sesame oil.
Add a tbsp of honey and mix well.

Rub salt on three boneless chicken breasts, cut into 2-3" cubes.
Add the paste and let it marinate for 1 hr (more if you have time).
Smear a baking tray with sesame oil. Heat oven to 200 C. Arrange the chicken in the tray, marinade et al. Bake for 20 mins. Grill on high for 5 minutes.
Serve with fried rice. If you have some sauce, spoon it on the rice, tastes yum.

PS: The original recipe asks for more soy and requires you to first grill the chicken with just salt (without marinating) and then pour the marinade on top and grill till quite dry.

PPS: Vyom had triple helpings and had to be physically stopped from having more
